The 3 Wise Men oil blend contains Sandalwood, Frankincense, and Myrrh essential oils and is considered a gift by many. It is designed to soothe and uplift aromatically.

Campuran minyak pati 3 Wise Men mengandungi minyak pati Sandalwood, Frankincense dan Myrrh. Ramai menganggapnya sebagai satu anugerah dan ia direka untuk melegakan dan membangkitkan semangat secara aromatik.

3 Wise Men 复方精油含有檀香、乳香以及没药精油,是许多人的赠礼佳品。这款精油的设计旨在通过其香气舒缓和提神。

INGREDIENTS | Sweet Almond Oil, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Juniper, Frankincense, Black Spruce, Myrrh.

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