Testimonial -Rasifa

During August 2023, I had my first one-on-one consultation with John. At that time, I didn’t really understand and follow protocol he gave me because my level of understanding was not there yet. Sometimes, my level of wisdom just could not connect with whatever guidance John advised to me.

Starting from Oct 2023 to March 2024, I encountered obstacles and setbacks in my career and finances. I kept searching for meaning and purpose about life, wondering why, despite working so hard, I still wasn’t seeing any improvement in my life. Yet, it is getting worse and kept encounter life challenges. Along the way, I attended many other courses on numerology, mind-body-spirit, and I vaguely knew I was given some life mission from TOP(something superior than me), but I was still unsure about the right direction and my capability.

Coming back this year August again, I had gathering with Manfred and Stephanie, who introduced me to this path. They encouraged me to attend the bridging course to polish my perceptions and knowldeges. They assure me that the results would be different. During the day I attended the bridging course, a very simple but powerful statement from the teacher awakening me. After so many years, I had finally found the answer I’d been searching for. I no longer need to keep pondering and looking around. I understand that by following the right path, what I desire will manifest in the future. Follow the right person, follow the right path, get the right mindset, and I will see a different version of me. 🙏🙏 My mission is align with the teacher’s principle, helping others, helping the community. I am grateful for everything that has happened and thankful to the Yuan Ji Men courses for helping me reach enlightenment.

陈泫羽, KL Malaysia
Financial Adviser Representative
(RFP, MDRT Qualifier)
InnerLight Member

在2023年8月份是我第一次one to one consultation 见John,当时老师给的protocol 我听了也不以为意。因为自己当时的认知也还没提高,有时候就是connect 不到。


那时候就和带我进来的Manfred 和Stephanie 见面,他们鼓励我,说只要我去上课改变思维和认知,结果一定会不同。当我在上bridging course 的那一天,老师说了一句很简单的话,很有力量,当下直接唤醒了我,这么多年来我找到的答案终于找到了,不需要再寻寻觅觅了,我也明白跟随规律走的话,我所想的一定会显化在将来。Follow right person, follow right path way, get the right mindset, I will see a different me. 🙏🙏 老师以帮人为主的理念也是我认同的。感恩一切的发生,感恩元极门的课程帮我开悟了。

陈泫羽, KL Malaysia
Financial Adviser Representative
(RFP, MDRT Qualifier)
InnerLight Member

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