Release combines uplifting, calming oils that help stimulate a sense of peace and well-being. Release promotes harmony and balance aromatically.

Release menggabungkan minyak pati yang membangkitkan semangat dan menenangkan serta perasaan yang damai dan sejahtera. Release menggalakkan keharmonian dan keseimbangan secara aromatik.

Release 复方精油结合提神与镇静的精油,有助促进平和、幸福的感觉。Release复方精油的香息可促进和谐与平衡。

INGREDIENTS | Ylang Ylang, Olive Oil, Lavandin, Geranium, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Blue Tansy, Citrus Hystrix, Blue Cypress, Davana, Jasmine, German Chamomile, Rose, Grapefruit, Tangerine, Spearmint, Lemon, Ocotea.

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