(Previously known as Brain Power)

Scent Wise is a blend of essential oils high in sesquiterpenes — like Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Blue Cypress, and Frankincense — to boost, clarify thought, and develop greater focus aromatically.

Scent Wise adalah campuran minyak pati yang tinggi dalam sesquiterpenes seperti Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Blue Cypress, dan Frankincense untuk merangsang, menjelaskan pemikiran dan meningkatkan tumpuan secara aromatik.

Scent Wise复方精油混合了各种富含倍半萜的精油 – 如皇家夏威夷檀香、蓝丝柏和乳香 – 其香气能加强和理清思路,以及使专注力更集中。

INGREDIENTS | Sacred Sandalwood, Melissa, Helichrysum, Cedarwood, Blue Cypress, Frankincense, Lavender.

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