8 月 31, 2024Published by inner_admin on 8 月 31, 2024类别 精油CINNAMON BARKCinnamon Bark has a hot and spicy fragrance that is said to unlock feelings of abundance. Many use it aromatically for its warm, inviting tones.
8 月 31, 2024Published by inner_admin on 8 月 31, 2024类别 精油CISTUSCistus is believed to be the biblical rose of Sharon and its honey-link fragrance is soothing and uplifting.
8 月 31, 2024Published by inner_admin on 8 月 31, 2024类别 精油CLARY SAGEClary Sage has a mellow, warm, herbal scent that is uplifting and relaxing, making it a great oil for women.